When you are looking for solutions about Raleigh Plastic Surgeons - you are probably trying to find more about solving the issue of having to waste any more time with the changes to your body and your emotional health. Not a problem - we can help you!
Ready to get a free consultation for your mommy makeover? Call us NOW at 919-646-3412
Of what does a Mommy Makeover consist?
Typically three to four procedures. The most common are tummy tuck, breast lift with or without implants, and liposuction. The thing about a mommy makeover is it is completely customizable.
Say you have a small pooch but not a lot of extra skin so you just want liposuction on your stomach. Your breasts aren't bad you could use a slight lift or maybe just implant with no lift. You can then throw in a little more liposuction contouring and have the fat added to your butt or breasts if you have no interest in implants.
Let's say you want a tummy tuck, breast implants, and lip fillers. That is still a mommy makeover. It's just a simplified name for a series of procedures.
How much does a mommy makeover cost?
A mommy makeover cost is anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000. This is an average price and can change depending on the quality of the doctor or clinic performing it.
It usually includes a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, and breast enlargement. It may also include a neck lift, which costs extra around one thousand dollars or less depending on how extensive it needs to be to reduce aging signs like droopiness and sagging chin lines that go with aging in general.
How long is the recovery from a mommy makeover?
“Mommy Makeover” is such a general term that it is hard to pinpoint an exact recovery period. Naturally, recovery is probably longer the more procedures you have. I will assume you are considering having a Tummy Tuck as part of your Mommy Makeover so I will base my answer on the TT recovery.
Generally speaking, the Mommy Makeover is performed as an outpatient so there is no stay in the hospital.
The first week is usually pretty rough with you spending time in a recliner. But with the advent of TAP blocks, PECS blocks, long-lasting local anesthetics, and drainless surgery it is not that bad.
In the second week, most patients will still sleep in a recliner or in bed with lots of pillows.
In the third week, some with a desk job may return to work.
It’s usually 4 to 6 weeks before you feel like you do today.
Since there is such a wide range of procedures that can be included in a mommy makeover, I would recommend that you see a few Board Certified Plastic Surgeons in the Raleigh area and get an idea of what procedures they recommend for YOU. Once you know exactly which procedures you will undergo you can get a better idea of the recovery period.
The BEST option is to leave it to the pros. Let Raleigh Plastic Surgeons deal with all that for you. Give us a call and we can walk you through it..
Ready to get a free consultation for your mommy makeover? Call us NOW at 919-646-3412
Get in touch with us NOW at 919-646-3412
Need help with finding an affordable mommy makeover plastic surgeon in Raleigh so you can stop dealing with Extra deposits of fat 2 – Droop and sagging 3 – Breast deflation 4 – Abdominal stretch marks 5 – Separation of abdominal muscles 6 – Bulging of the abdominal wall?
Ready to get in touch with the top Plastic Surgeons experts Raleigh has to offer?
Ready to get a free consultation for your mommy makeover? Call us NOW at 919-899-1407
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Here are Some Tips Shared by Plastic Surgeons in
Have you recently gone through your pregnancy or childbirth? Are you experiencing the excess fat deposit or saggy skin? Childbirth can cause a huge change in mother’s physique both externally and internally, however, it requires to have some makeover that can correct your body shape, size and appearance are known as a mommy makeover. The mommy makeover is usually a combination of several cosmetic procedures, i.e., liposuction, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and breast lift surgery that helps in contouring the body figure and meet the desired expectation of looking presentable.
Mommy makeover surgery is required for those mommies who are professional and want to maintain their aesthetic body figure.
The mommy makeover surgery is performed for the following 3 major concerns:
1. It helps in contouring body: The mommy makeover surgery helps in achieving the proper contour of the body by removing extra fat and skin from the localized body parts, i.e., abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, etc. via liposuction or tummy tuck procedure. The liposuction helps in attaining the proper contour of the body if the procedure is performed by the best cosmetic plastic surgeon.
2. It removes the stretch marks: After pregnancy, a mommy can experience the stretch marks due to the extension of skin which is difficult to go away by the cream or lotion, however, it is required to receive the mommy makeover if you are not happy with your skin tone. The mommy makeover surgery helps you in getting the answer to your every concern associated with beauty or body appearance after having the childbirth.
3. It improves self-esteem: When you receive an appealing figure and contoured body your inner strength gets improved results in increasing self-esteem and confidence at large. This surgery helps in attaining the groomed personality that further helps in receiving the changed lifestyle with more confidence and beauty.
If you are planning to receive the facelift surgery, it is important to get the consultation with the best plastic cosmetic surgeon.
A combination of surgery depends upon the need and expectation of the patient’s body profile. However, an assessment is mandatory before going under the knife as it let you know the possibility of meeting the realistic expectation according to body profile and surgery requirement.
The cost of mommy makeover surgery depends upon person to person as it is an individualized procedure and cannot be calculated in a straightway.
Article by Dr. Milan Doshi
Ready to get a free consultation for your mommy makeover? Call us NOW at 919-899-1407
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Email Us: [email protected]
If you are looking for Raleigh Plastic Surgeons who will help with everything you need. We offer...
- removes sagging skin and stubborn fat through an abdominoplasty
- we can help you with financing options
- don't let the cost keep you from the look you want. We can help with financing
- Sagging breasts, stretch marks, and "muffin tops" are among the many complaints we remove
- Whether you want bigger breasts or a slimmer waistline, you and our surgeons have the power to personalize the procedure to meet your aesthetic desires.
Ready to get a free consultation for your mommy makeover? Call us NOW at 919-899-1407
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